Junior Bridge – Note from Norman Lacey

‘I run an online Junior Bridge Club on a Friday night that combines tuition and play on Realbridge. If you know of any young people, age 12+ years, who might be interested in learning bridge, please get in touch with me.
Norman Lacey

Knockout Cups 2020-2021

Congratulations to winners of this year’s knockout cups

Kelvin Cup

Team Anderson – Rex Anderson, David Greenwood, Paul Tranmer, Wayne Somerville

Mackinnon Cup

Team Hamilton – Ian Hamilton, Sam Hall, Greer Mackenzie, John Ferguson

Millership Cup

Team McKeever – Tom McKeever, Ann Hassan, Eric Butterwick, Bill McCormick

Primary School Bridge in 2020-21

Professor Samantha Punch is holding a major conference  ” BAMSA ” ( Bridge a mind sport for all ) in June. She has invited Norma Irwin and Norman Lacey to submit a presentation on the work they have accomplished in introducing Bridge into the Primary School curriculum in Northern Ireland. Here is their joint submission .

Terry Blackman RIP

We are sorry to hear of the death of Terry Blackman, from Warrenpoint GC Bridge Club.

Member, Michael A. Mc Namee writes:
“Terry was always a committee member in my time, and probably the principal driving force within the club. He was the person who brought Bridgemates, dealing machines and an on-line presence to our club. Very modest, his computer skills were breathtaking, and we shall sorely miss his abilities to set up and maintain the club website.”

Marjorie Kelso RIP

It is with sadness that I write this obituary of Marjorie (Margie) Kelso, widow of the late Billy who was both Hon Treasurer and Secretary of the NIBU for many years. Margie was a great supporter of all NIBU competitions and represented Northern Ireland on the Lady Milne team. She was also a NIBU representative on the IBU council. Although not holding an official position, she did a lot of work supporting Billy as Congress Organiser and International Match Manager. She was a founder member of the 75 club (now defunct).

She was a keen golfer, being a member of both Royal Belfast and Massereene Golf Clubs.

On a personal note, Alan and I enjoyed many trips to Donegal Congresses playing with them in the teams. She and Billy were the winners of the first Donegal Congress Pairs. We also played with them in a number of NIBU teams competitions as well as travelling with them to the the Moylan Cup on a regular basis.

The NIBU extends its condolences to the whole family circle at this sad time.

Heather Hill
Chairman NIBU