Moylan Cup 2021

The Moylan Cup, a prestigious pairs event hosted by the IBU, will be held on BBO on the 10-11 April 2021. The event comprises 3 sessions: Saturday 13:00-16:00, 17:30-20:30, and Sunday 11:00-14:00.

The NIBU representatives in this year’s competition can be found here.

Teltscher Trophy 2021

This event will be played online on RealBridge over the weekend of April 16th – 18th.
Following the recent trials, the following team has been selected:

Brian McDowell & Alan Sharp
Rex Anderson & David Greenwood
Ian Hamilton & Ian Lindsay

Uel Wilson RIP

The Union is sorry to hear of the death of Uel Wilson on 2 March 2021. Uel was the long-standing secretary of Ballymena Bridge Club. We send our condolences to his wife Ann and family.

Northern Ireland Teams

The Northern Ireland Teams took place on Real Bridge on Sunday 28th March; winners were the EBU team of Maggie Knottenbelt & Heather Dhondy, David Burn & Kath Stynes

Results of the event can be viewed here