The Mackinnon and Kelvin Cups Final

The finals of the Mackinnon and Kelvin Cups were held recently on BBO.

Mackinnon Cup
The Mackinnon Cup final was won by Rex Anderson & Brian McDowell, Ian Lindsay & Robin Burns. Runners up were – Bill Scott & Ronnie Morrow, Ken Hawtin & Maureen Murray.

Kelvin Cup
In a very tight match, the Kelvin Cup was won by Ian Lindsay & Robin Burns, Diane Greenwood & Michael O’Kane. By 1 IMP (143/142), they beat Brian McDowell & Alan Sharp, Michael McFaul & Neill Cauwood.

Unidentified Trophy – More History on the Trophy

From Desmond McDowell, Ontario, Canada
I have been researching the Barnett Family.  They lived in a house, Northleigh, Somerton Road. In 1902 the house was (owned?) by Robert and Martha Barnett.  Robert was a Grain and Produce Merchant. It is interesting that Somerton Road does not show up in the Belfast Street Directory.  In the Fortwilliam Area, there is a House called Northleigh.

Continue reading “Unidentified Trophy – More History on the Trophy”

On Line Tournaments

NIBU run three online tournaments

Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday begin at 7pm and will run under vNIBU136
The entry fee will be $2 per person 

Click here for a guide to entering and playing in these tournaments

All competitors should note that BBO retains a complete archive of all hands played. Should any player fall under suspicion of cheating, their playing records may be accessed and presented as evidence

Results of the NIBU Tournaments can be viewed in the Results Calendar.