NIBU Interclub Duplicate Club Pairs

Two heats of the NIBU Interclub Duplicate Pairs were held during the week beginning 20 September. The winners of each heat are as follows:

Heat 1A (130 pairs) : Paul and Helen Tranmer, 72.41%
Heat 1B (60 pairs; Beatrice Lowry and Tom McKeever, 64.79%

As usual, we are very grateful to Ian Hamilton for his efforts over many years in organising the Interclub Duplicate Pairs.

Click here to see the full results.

NIBU Autumn Congress

The NIBU Autumn Congress was held online from 11th-13th September

A very big thanks to Ian Hamilton for his efforts over many weeks in setting up and administering our first online Congress. The event was an outstanding success with entries from all over the UK and Ireland. Total entries were as follows:
            Mixed Pairs – 90 pairs
            Congress Pairs – 60 pairs
            Congress Teams – 48 teams
            Intermediate Pairs – 50 pairs
            Open Pairs(2 events) – 32/26 pairs.
Click here for Congress website where full details and results are available


The AGM took place at La Mon on Sunday 23rd August from 2:30pm.

Attendees were appropriately socially distanced !!

Draft Minutes of the AGM can be viewed here

Outstanding League and Cup Matches

It has been agreed that outstanding league and knockout cup  matches from the 2019-20 season will not be played online. They will be played ‘live’ prior to the start of the next season fixtures – though it is impossible to say when ‘normal’ bridge will resume

EBL Women Committee Newsletter

This issue of the newsletter has a lot of content of interest to NIBU members, there are a number of contributions from NIBU and CBAI members as well as a report from the EBL Tournament Director course which was held in Belfast.

Click here to read this issue

Keep Bridge Alive

Professor Samantha (Sam) Punch is researching the beneficial effects of bridge as part of her research project ‘Keep Bridge Alive’. Click here to see details of their response to Covid 19.