NIBU administrative information such as Council and Committee minutes is now accessible to NIBU members only who are required to login using their master points number and a password. This is necessary to enable compliance with GDPR. All members are recorded in the system and a majority have an email address on their record.
Click here to access members only area
The first time a member accesses this area they will be asked to set a password. The process for doing this is as follows:
- Enter master points number and click on Set/Reset Password button, please do not click on Register button at this stage
- Enter email address and click on Send Set Password Email button
- If your email address is recorded on the system an email will be sent (please check Spam folder if none appears in Inbox) with a link which when clicked will go to a screen where a password can be set up; this can then be used to login to the members only area. Clicking on Remember Me button while logging in will retain your details for future logins and enable access with just a click of the login button.
- If your email address is not recorded on the system you will have to go the login screen and click on Membership Request button. This will display a registration form. Only master points number, name and email address are necessary. This will generate an email to the site administrator who will add the email address to your record and send you an email confirming that you can now follow steps 1-3 above to set a password.