Primary School Tutors

The tutors who worked in our Primary School Project enjoyed an evening of Bridge followed by supper to celebrate the end of term! Since 3 January we have introduced bridge to almost 200 P7 pupils at four different schools.To carry on with and expand our Project we would need more volunteers for January 2020. Anyone interested in helping please contact Norma Irwin or Norman Lacey

Moylan Trophy 2019

The IBU Moylan Trophy Pairs event was held over the weekend of 6-7 April.

The winners were Ronan Mc Maugh and Marcin Rudzinski; the leading NIBU pair were Pat McDaid and Connell McLoone who finished 5th.

Schools Bridge

Schools Bridge
Norma Irwin T:02890614177  

Norman Lacey T: 07825683434

NIBU Schools Project

NIBU believe that there is a need to develop playing Bridge in NI and increase the number of players across all age groups. The main project is the Schools Project.  The objective is to teach bridge starting in Primary Schools and providing the opportunity to continue playing at Post Primary schools and onto University. Norma Irwin and Norman Lacey have been tasked with running this project. They are making progress in all three areas and are encouraged by the excitement among young bridge players and the enthusiasm from their volunteer tutors.

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